Discover the sounds of Baterinho
Watch how Jeroen plays the snare, tomtom, rim, hihat, tambourine, kick, conga and surdo sounds. He also shows how to use brushes.
Baterinho at Dutch Vintage Drum Meeting Rosmalen 2024
Rosmalen November 2024 – Sunday November 3rd, Baterinho participated in the 2024 edition of the Dutch Vintage (and Custom!) Drum Meeting in Rosmalen.

(Photo by Buonamassa Gualtiero)
We welcomed dozens of interested people to our booth and many of them tried Baterinho. We received lots of positive feedback! Most visitors were very surprised by the amount of sounds Baterinho has to offer. Some had read the article in Slagwerkkrant (see below) and were happy to meet us. On display we had a couple of Baterinho’s; a beautiful custom with lasered texts and logo, a purple sunburst and the original Baterinho. And offcourse a couple of demo instruments so the visitors could try them out themselves.
It was a very cheerful day and we would like to thank Mario de Laat and his family for the opportunity. See you next year?
Baterinho in Slagwerkkrant
Heerhugowaard September 2023 – Check out the September/October edition of Slagwerkkrant. You will find an item on Baterinho in the news section. The next edition (November/December) will feature an extensive article and test! Spoiler alert: They liked it very much! This edition of Slagwerkkrant will be available around 26 October 2023.

English translation:
At some point Jeroen Dekker from Heerhugowaard decided he didn’t want to play an ‘ordinary cajón’ anymore so he invented his own percussion instrument that would offer more sounds (ad. – than just kick and snare). Baterinho is a drumbox with a twist. First the heads have a texture enabling proper use of brushes. But besides the standard snare sound there is also a built-in tambourine shingles sound available. The heads on each side can be played using ones feet to produce a bassdrum sound but a pretty convincing conga sound is also possible. Baterinho is produced in Holland and is available in many colors and custom finishes.
Handing over custom built Baterinho to Mr. Dave Weckl
Zoetermeer 27 April 2023 – While most people in the Netherlands were out celebrating King’s Day we headed for Zoetermeer to meet with Mr. Dave Weckl. He was in the Netherlands to kick off the European Tour with the Tom Kennedy Project. Way back in the eighties Dave inspired me to really start playing and practicing drums. First thing I did was buying his “Contemporary Drummer + One” package (with audio cassette!). Years later I attended a masterclass and afterwards I took the opportunity to present a Baterinho. Mr. Weckl sat on it and played it immediately. He was impressed and asked to stay in touch. When we learned he was going to play in the Netherlands we asked for a meeting and Mr. Weckl was kind enough to spend some time with us. We met in his dressingroom at Poppodium De Boerderij while his crew was setting up his rig. We unpacked the Baterinho and he immediately recognized the artwork on the backside of the instrument.

Mr. Weckl was impressed by both the looks and sound and spent most of our meeting playing and exploring the different sounds Baterinho has to offer.
We left after 30 minutes so Mr. Weckl could start preparing for the show to which he kindly invited us to attend. It was a great honor to meet Dave Weckl for the second time and we are very grateful for the opportunity.
Now available: built-in microphone – plug and play
We can proudly announce that now we offer a built-in microphone for you Baterinho. After some serious testing we selected a condenser boundary layer microphone with an active-EQ. The microphone will be built in and can be connected using an XLR connecter mounted in the back panel. It offers a big sound with lots of low end. No more hassle with separate mics and stands and no more feedback! Just plug and play. Your audio-technician will love you for it! We can offer this great feature for EUR 299 all-in.

First serie Baterinho sold out!
To our great pleasure we can tell you that the first serie of Baterinho is sold out! We are working hard to have them back in stock again soon and we will be introducing a couple of new products. Stay tuned!
B-day ’22 – the movie
B-day ’22 – the photos